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I am passionate about helping charities and organisations reach their full potential and build
sustainably for the future. I have a wealth of experience working within the homeless sector
and can offer practical advice on how to better serve the needs of the homeless in your
community. As an experienced social entrepreneur with a passion to help the marginalised in
society; I am a visionary with a track record of building sustainable initiatives that are both
people and solution-centred.


The Mill Group

After running my own film and photography business I co-founded a film production and marketing company called 'The Mill Group' based in Elland, which specialised in internal and external communications for the Social Housing sector and Leading Commercial Companies.

Clients included The Places for People Group, Housing Associations across the UK, Halifax Bank and Lloyds Banking Group and ASDA. I developed excellent knowledge and experience in communications particularly in a Social Housing Context, where I became passionate about the importance of building healthy, thriving asset-based communities and how internal and external communications has the transformational power to change lives.


Third & Faith Sector Voluntary Roles

In 2008, whilst working at the Mill Group I began volunteering for a local food bank, this role
led me to become a member of the management committee and a key pioneer and facilitator
of related faith-based ventures in Calderdale, such as the homeless shelter and church for
people living in the margins. Here’s a little bit about those adventures…

Halifax Food & Support Drop-In

My wife Katie, and I created the Halifax food and support drop-in in our local town centre. Noticing the deep levels of poverty many clients were experiencing I led a campaign to rally support from local churches, businesses, the local council and individuals to acknowledge and understand the severity of this suffering, its impact and how it could be alleviated. This led to increased borough-wide support every Saturday morning through the Food & Support Drop-In, with a multitude of donations, regular volunteer numbers of 40-50 and offers to develop new
initiatives to alleviate the poverty and destitution the clients were experiencing.


Emergency & supported accommodation

Over the years at the food bank, I began to become concerned about a growing group of homeless clients and sofa surfers who were attending each week. People were living in very poor conditions making them extremely vulnerable, so in 2010 decided to start a homeless shelter during the Winter months based upon the Inn Churches Winter Shelter model in Bradford, which houses homeless people in a dormitory style in church halls.

Having done extensive research and volunteering with the Inn Churches project in Bradford it became the best solution to further build on the work with local churches in Calderdale to help end homelessness in the town.

The Calderdale Winter homeless project ran for 6 years from various church buildings until we managed to secure the Gathering Place building from Calderdale Council on a pepper corn rent, we decided to house the shelter in the basement.

Christians Together Calderdale later secured funding to move away from a dormitory style room to individual air-conditioned rooms for men and women.


This project was volunteer led until funding was secured to initiate paid staff. The experience of running the Winter Shelter was intense and life-changing, and I committed much of my time to learn every role, understanding every need, where it came from and how to support people to make the changes they need to move on out of homelessness and lead independent healthy lives, and so began my ventures into community housing solutions.


Love Calderdale

I became Chairman of Christians Together Calderdale and we ran a series of amazing events based purely on kindness and a compassion for our neighbour, these were called ‘Love Calderdale’ and were held at the Piece Hall.


At the yearly events which were attended by over 10,000 people each time, we brought together every church in the area to bless the town, everything was given freely and love was given unconditionally, with everything from face painting, donkey rides to a 100 strong children's choir.


The Saturday Gathering

In 2012, my role as Chair of Christians Together led me to co-develop a church for the marginalised and broken on a Saturday night, called "The Saturday Gathering” We supported a large group of people, not only spiritually but practically, organising support for many individuals and families which included addition ran homework clubs, a choir, discipleship classes, mental health support groups, sports activities, bible studies, English classes.

Having a strong Christian faith drives me to do what I do. An integral part to my career was, In 2012, a calling from God to become a 'Homeless Pastor'. It’s not every day you hear such an audible calling, and it was a calling that I couldn’t ignore. In 2013 I sold my shares in the Mill Group business and began to explore my calling to become a pastor to the homeless which led me to creating a homeless ministry called Happy Days Ministries UK with the help of Tearfund UK.

Mobile video diary rooms

In 2012 I developed a series of engagement products for capturing video feedback, these were the “Comments Campervan” and “Comments Dome.”

The mobile video diary rooms went on to be used extensively over a 5-year period by the Chartered Institute of Housing, which ran a national resident feedback project, numerous Housing Associations capturing resident feedback and the NHS to capture patient feedback from patients using drop in, oncology and accident and emergency services across the UK. 

Residents and customers leaving feedback would often remark on how creative and engaging the mobile video diary rooms were…far better than street research and paper questionnaires! The completed feedback films then were used to make board reports and shown at board meetings and events.

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Happy Days UK

Happydays UK is a Charity bringing hope to the homeless through community and social enterprise.
In 2014 I founded Happy Days UK a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (Charity reg no.
1157527) and acted as CEO until April 2023.

Happy Days UK is dedicated to addressing the pressing needs of its community in Calderdale and Kirklees. Through its programs and initiatives, they provide essential resources, support, and opportunities to those who need it most. From providing access to food banks and supported accommodation to promoting social enterprise, they strive to create a brighter future for all.

Major landmarks for the Happy Days charity were the acquisition of Second Halifax Housing
with 68 flats, providing over 100k food parcels to those in need, winning the Queens Award and
the transfer of services which included the food bank, homeless night shelter and the Gathering
Place from Christians Together Calderdale.

But the best moments for me have been the 1,000s of people we have supported and helped to
turn their lives around, from poverty and homelessness into owning their own home, reuniting
with families, kicking addictions and finding work.


The Homeless Pastors CIC

A new adventure I have embarked on in 2023 that seeks to equip churches and charities across the UK, with the training and support they need to effectively minister to the poor in their communities.

Often, churches and charities are the first places that rough sleepers go to for help. But offering support to the homeless is complex and difficult at times. Organisations are often ill-equipped, and the task can seem overwhelming.

We provide a network for pastors and charity workers serving homelessness with in-depth, practical training covering key areas of homeless outreach. We enable those on the margins to find a supportive community and begin the process of rebuilding their lives.


We are working with churches and charities to get the homeless off the street, into a supported
community and equipped for life. Visit our website to find out more.

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